Breaking Boxes - Show Fee + Cigar Box

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Breaking Boxes - Show Fee + Cigar Box


Call Type: 3D Visual Art using cigar box
Eligibility: Current YBC Member
City/ State:  Steamboat, CO & Routt County
Fee: $18 [includes cigar box and show fee]
Application Entry Deadline: 3/20/17 by midnight

All sales are a 30/ 70 Gallery/ Artist Split.  

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Open call for artist participation in Young Bloods Collective Members Show: Breaking Boxes.  Each participant will receive a cigar box to use as their blank canvas, if you will. All creative mediums are encouraged. The theme of this show is to visually express the ways we’re re-shaping, creating, and changing our environment, social constructs, and ourselves.  Think breaking down barriers and stereotypes in all aspects of life. This can be as serious or abstract as the creator feels inclined to explore.
The only limitations are:
- You must utilize your cigar box
- It needs to be able to be hung/mounted on a wall, or
placed securely on a shelf.

This is a very unique exhibit that will be showing at the Center for Visual Arts from April 7th - May 29th 2017. It will have 2 Frist Friday showings and a special closing reception put on by CVA.